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Discord bot and Fullcount updates

Weekly updates 03.05

Hey everyone, it’s time for some updates:

> We improved the discord bot we talked about last week. What’s new? Now it supports pagination and long lists of leaderboards for one discord server channel. Also, we added identity, so each project using our bot can set a logo. Finally, we made some backend changes. See the picture attached:

discord bot


> Fullcount is evolving fast, and here’s a thread about the game’s tuning (although there are some big changes coming soon). By the way, follow our new Fullcount X account for game updates.

> We’ve migrated Fullcount to the Arbitrum Sepolia testnet, in preparation for the Nova League launch on Arbitrum Nova on 3/15. Do you want to join the early players? Sign up here <>

> We’ve added information about signing Drops from Moonstream Portal to our documentation.

That’s all for today. Join our Discord to stay in touch!