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Moonstream Roadmap Announcements

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Weekly updates 07.07

The team is back from vacation. Here are our updates this week:

Moonstream Roadmap

> We have been building like maniacs for the last 6 months. Our technology has evolved in leaps and bounds but our product is lagging behind. This quarter, we are focused on bringing our product back to par with our tech.


  1. Leaderboards
  2. Airdrops
  3. On-chain crafting
  4. Badges and achievements
  5. Reputation system
  6. On-chain minigames

Main priority: make all of this technology accessible to game developers, game designers, and players in a completely self-serve manner.

> We are also going to be ramping up our efforts in the games we participate in. We already released:

  1. Conquest.eth dashboard
  2. Crypto Unicorns Stasher (connect MetaMask to view)

This quarter, we will be increasing our participation in Bullieverse, Dark Forest, and Champions Ascension. Stay tuned for our plans in future updates.

> We have a few active proposals for research and long-term development. We’d love to get your honest feedback on this:

  1. Moonstream Bazaar
  2. NFT dataset

> Also, the weekly updates are moving to Thursdays!

> We at Moonstream believe that blockchain gaming has a future after the market crash. It might change its shape but the technology behind it is here to stay. Keep your eyes peeled for new articles on how to invest in crypto gaming from us as well. 

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