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2023 Crypto Recap & 2024 Outlook and other updates

Weekly updates

Weekly updates 3.13

Hi everyone! Weekly updates are here,

> Seer v0.1.3 release. This week, we published version 0.1.3 of seer. It allows you to generate Go bindings and a CLI for contracts in a hardhat project. To access this functionality, use the –hardhat option on seer evm generate.

> New blog post with steps to add a leaderboard into your crypto game:

> Follow Fullcount on X, we’re showing off some of our bot teams:

> We’re excited to announce the release of a “2023 Crypto Recap & 2024 Outlook” research report. Done by Jerome Ostorero and Pratik Wagh of the Coinchange Research Team, and co-authored by and, this document delves into the key developments within the global crypto market.

The report contains information about crypto in general and GameFi in particular. What the main takeaways from 2023 are and what we are expecting for the future. That includes the state of crypto fundraising, the most popular blockchains for games, and evolution of GameFi models, among other takeaways.

You can download a copy via this link. We’d love to hear your thoughts and feedback!

> Mark your calendars for the Fullcount launch on March 22! We’re launching the Fullcount Nova League on Arbitrum Nova. Mint a free Beer League Baller NFT, check out the game, and give us some feedback if you’d like to. We also published a new devlog

That’s all for now. Join our Discord to know more about blockchain, technology and gaming.