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Fullcount on Artbitrum portal and Hyperplay, BlockTalks podcast and more

weekly updates

Hello friends! Long time no see. Here’s what has been happening: 

> We’ve hit some new milestones with Fullcount the baseball game. Now Fullcount is listed on Hyperplay and Arbitrum portal

> To know more about recent changes, visit our most recent dev log. If you haven’t played the game yet, here is the link. Let us know if you want to play together.

> We deployed Amoy blockchain Dropper and Terminus contracts. Now Mumbai testnet is removed, and amoy is the new testnet for polygon

> zomglings took part in the 129th episode of BlockTalks podcastIs. Is Play 2 Earn really dead? What kind of games can we build that really need web3? Listen on Spotify.

That’s all, thanks for reading! Join our Discord to stay in touch.