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ABI explorer and awesome list of web3 games

Weekly updates

Weekly updates 08.10

It has been an eventful week! Let’s start with product and technical updates. 

>  We are ready to introduce ABI Explorer, with which you can view lists of events and functions. To do so, you can provide an ABI, a URL of a JSON file, or an address of a verified smart contract. The latter two options store your input in history which might be important for some users. Additionally, when you provide an address, it’s used to automatically fill the function call form. To fetch ABI using an address, the app calls the Moonstream API, which requires you to log in. If you have Metamask connected, you can call any function by clicking on it and filling the form.

> We made several changes on our backend for drops via waggle and metatx route and deduplicated call requests. First, users will now see response metatx_requester_id instead of moonstream_user_id. Second, registered_contract_type has been removed and now call requests have call_requests_type parameter which is set to dropper-v0.2.0 by default. Docs can be found here. And we are working on more changes. Next in queue is moving request_id from call requests parameters to root level, and updating waggle to work with the new structure

> We continue to work with the Summon team from Game7 on our joint on-chain Inventory system. The Inventory system allows games to associate rewards, items, achievements, and experience with a specific character (an NFT), rather than with a player wallet. Players can sell or trade a character with all of its achievements intact, and games have on-chain data about characters’ progress (leveling) and the items they have equipped. This is an open working group. If you are interested in contributing to the project, you are welcome to join our weekly meetings at 10 a.m. Pacific. You can view the agendas and meeting notes here.

> We keep on populating our awesome list of web3 games on GitHub – you can participate in that, too, and suggest games to be added to the list! Let’s highlight some gems of web3 games. Here are the links: web3 games list and contributing guide.

> We’re also featuring games from the list on our Twitter. This week it’s Mithraeum – a fully on-chain political strategy game on Gnosis chain. They have an ongoing tournament at the moment that you can join, with a $54k prize pool. Read about it here.

> A blog post about Crypto-Guilds integrating chainlink VRF to help randomize loot box contents is out. It’s important because Crypto-Guilds are using Moonstream open-source infrastructure. Also sharing Chainlink’s announcement on X if you prefer this platform.

> Boomland went live with their first Moonstream leaderboard! Congratulations and looking forward to further joint achievements.

That’s all for the week. Join our Discord if you have question about our product or just want to be part of the community. 
