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Adding Multi-chain Support on Moonstream Engine API

Weekly updates 08.11

This week’s updates are:

Crypto Unicorns

> Player portal lootbox tool update: technical difficulties. 

The contract requires a signature from the Crypto Unicorns game server to finalize the action of opening lootboxes. That blocks us from completing the tool, unfortunately. We’re discussing with the CU team if they want to add stash functionality for lootboxes that doesn’t require a signature.

> We love building player tools for blockchain games. We also want to emphasize that we believe in decentralization of web3 game development. We’re not actually part of the CU core team and we’d love to engage more with the CU community to find out what tools you guys want to have.

We’re planning to provide tool updates for Crypto Unicorns once a month

Updated roadmap for Moonstream Crypto Unicorns player portal:

  • v2: Inventory + peek at anyone else’s inventory;
  • v3: Leaderboards – top buyers, top dumpers, etc. Tells you whose inventory to peek at.

We’d love to find out what the community would like to prioritize for v3.

This work will also generalize to Champions Ascension and to other games.


> Gitcoin’s Twitter Space with,, and OP Games. We discussed web3 gaming and the Open Gaming round of Gitcoin’s grants round 15. You can listen to the recording of it here.

> Reputation system updates. We want to thank the community for your feedback! We’ll be updating the whitepaper shortly and we cannot thank you enough for your valuable feedback and questions!  

If you missed the Reputation System whitepaper, here it is.

> Adding support of testsnets. Today we added support for Polygon testnet in Moonstream.

The blockchains that we currently support are: Ethereum, Gnosis Chain, Polygon, and Polygon Mumbai testnet.

> We rolled out multi-chain support on Moonstream engine API – for Moonstream dropper and crawler. Before it was only Polygon. Now we support Ethereum, Gnosis Chain, Polygon, and Polygon Mumbai testnet.

> This week we’re onboarding Infinite Arcade and Crypto-Guilds (API and documentaion work).

Infinite Arcade is building minigames (mobile, hypercasual) for Crypto Unicorns. They will be using Moonstream API to get information about tokens. They will also rely on us for a bridging mechanism to their games.

Posts and workshops

> And now for something completely different. Our designer Ishkhan published an article on our new logo. We’ll be updating our logo everywhere soon.

It’s a great read, check it out here.

> This week’s twitter thread about how web3 gaming can be better than traditional gaming.

> Recording of this week’s workshop with zomglings on how to build smart contracts into games for the Boston Blockchain AssociationYou won’t regret watching it!

And as always, join our Discord server to get all the latest news! Thank you for reading~