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Big news: Moonbound starts tomorrow

Weekly updates 09.28

> Starting next week we’ll have office hours/community hangouts in our Discord voice channel called →Office hours← on Wednesdays – what time would work best for you? Let us know in #general-chat

> We’re reminding you again of our awesome ABI Explorer tool here: <>

> We’ve also updated our use cases doc, check it out here: <>

> Attention! Moonbound – our collaboration with Champions Ascension – starts tomorrow. Don’t miss out, the stages are timed – if you miss the timing you’re out. To play, visit the link tomorrow, Sept 29 at 6pm ET and enter the Labyrinth. To play you need to claim your Initiate, so don’t push it till the very last minute. If you need any help claiming your Initiate to play, don’t hesitate to contact us in #general-chat.

> By the way, we presented Moonbound last week on BGA demo day, here is a recording <>. Check it out to decide if it’s worth playing tomorrow.

> Also, today we ran a playtest (and it was fun). Here’s how one of the Initiates upgraded after the game. We will give you more details about it next week!



Thanks for reading and have a nice weekend! Join our Discord to talk about blockchain, gaming and technology.
