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Crypto Unicorns Custom Marketplace Update

Moonstream weekly update

Weekly updates 07.21

Our updates for this week are:


> We’re slowing down our work on our gaming-oriented NFT marketplace for Crypto Unicorns – Moonstream Bazaar. Another team is in the process of building a custom marketplace for CU. We want to give them room to work.

That doesn’t mean that we’re scrapping the idea altogether, just focusing more on other things for now. Moonstream is also providing Crypto Unicorns with other measures of combating issues with OpenSea and price manipulation – we’re planning to talk about it next week.

As mentioned in the Crypto Unicorns AMA today, here is our Player Portal for CU players.

You can use it to stash UNIM and RBW into the game with a single transaction instead of using the Rainbow Marketplace.

!!Only do this with the wallet that you are already using in game. Otherwise the game server will not credit your in-game account with the UNIM and RBW.

> We’ve updated our landing page: it’s now cleaner, shorter and easier to navigate. Did you also think so? Check it here.

> just posted a 2022 Game Dev Report where they interviewed over 100 game developers building web3 games. Moonstream took part in it as well.

 It’s a fantastic read if you’re curious about where blockchain game development is right now and what aspects should the community improve on. 

Read the report here.

Podcasts and conferences

> Next week from July 29 to July 31, our very own Sam Kamani is going to be at NFT Expoverse. Are any of you guys attending? Let’s connect! 

You might also catch zomglings at the conference.

> This week zomglings spoke with Ben Gothard on the Crypto Gaming Institute Podcast. They talked about traditional and web3 gaming, Moonstream and its future. This was one of the best podcasts zomglings was a guest on. Listen to it here.

And as always, join our Discord server to get all the latest news! Thank you for reading~