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Dropper Improvements and NFT Inventory User Guide

Weekly updates 11.05

Weekly updates 05.11


This week we made a few updates related to Great Wyrm, Dropper and NFT Inventory.

> We added our plans for Great Wyrm game economy to the guide.

> Speaking of Great Wyrm, don’t forget to join in the troll battle today! What troll battle you ask? Why, you can read about it here in our guide. The first stage will be open throughout the weekend, so new players can still join.

> Great Wyrm discord now has a bot. It is called librarian and It knows the lore. Come to talk to @Librarian in any Great Wyrm discord channel. 

> Check out this week’s short Twitter thread to get an idea of what technology Moonstream is focusing on this quarter

> Recently we have been putting a lot of effort into making Dropper much better and easier to use. We are making good progress on the API improvements. We already deployed the first batch of improvements on Monday, and more improvements are coming next week. Among all, we are planning to add support for ERC721 token drops to the Dropper contract.

> We created a User Guide for the NFT Inventory contract. The Inventory allows you to attach items directly to an NFT for web3 games. We are building it in collaboration with Game7.

That’s all for the week. Have a nice rest of the week! If you are interested in blockchain and technology, join our Discord.