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Drops 2.0 UI and best web3 games list’s updates

weekly updates

Weekly updates 08.17

Hello friends! Time for some updates. 

> We’re announcing the launch of Drops 2.0 UI – a user interface for token distribution made with web3 games in mind. A better and safer alternative to airdrops. Check out our recent blog post to know the details.

> We continue telling you about interesting games from our awesome list of web3 games on GitHub. This week it’s Arcadia, read about it in a new thread. BTW, Arcadia is using Moontream’s NFT Inventory technology for their player NFTs’ customization. You can join our NFT Inventory working group on Wednesdays to contribute to the technology. 

> We are glad to present Moonbound logo. We tried to reflect the celestial and mysterious character of the game. Our designer put real effort in the visuals so that logo is fresh and has the magical aspect to it. If you pay attention, you can even recognize a magical ritual in the reflections of the moonlight against the backdrop of an eclipse.


That’s all for the week. Don’t forget to check out the list of web3 games and join our Discord!
