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Final preparations for ETH Denver and a new interview on game economies

ETH Denver preparations

Weekly updates 2.23

> ETH Denver is about to start and we have been doing our best to prepare for the event. As a reminder, we will open the Great Wyrm game to the public there. The attendees will be able to vote and choose where the paths in the game world lead. Also, they can mint character creation tokens with our bot.
If you are interested in becoming one of the early players and creators  – welcome to the game’s discord.

By the way, the Great Wyrm also has Twitter.

> We really put our heart into art and design. You can take a look at some of the illustrations on the newly published landing page.

> Smart contracts have already been deployed to the Wyrm blockchain. Our team is now working on Instructions how to add Wyrm to your metamask.

> A new interview is out! We discussed moonstream engine and how it helps games with $4b transaction volume with Crypto Guilds. In case you missed it, here is the recording.

> We also had a discussion with the Game7 community about designing an inventory system for blockchain games. If you want an understanding of what’s that – here’s a document.

That’s all for the week…
One last thing, we analyzed the data showing volumes of transfers and unique accounts in web3 projects. Here is a thread about it. Does anyone want to discuss? If yes,
join our Discord and let us know!