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Fullcount – new game project

weekly updates

Weekly updates 11.20

Hello friends, weekly updates are here. From this week on, they will be published on Monday instead of Thursday.

> This week’s additions to the list of cool web3 games, both are fully on-chain: Primodium and Sky Strife. If you are looking for a fun game to keep an eye on, or if you want your favorite project listed, visit our GitHub.

> This week we debuted our newest game project, Fullcount, for a small group of web3 game designers and gamers.

Fullcount is a fully on-chain PvP baseball game. Players face off in the roles of batter and pitcher for a single, game-deciding pitch in the bottom of the ninth.  We’ll spend the coming week adding sound effects and making some quality of life updates based on the feedback we’ve received as we prepare to launch a public early access version of the game.

Drop your email here if you want to test the pre-alpha.

> Heads-up! Community hangouts are on hiatus until further notice. Still, we are available to discuss whatever is interesting to you about blockchain, technology and gaming in #general-chat on our Discord.

That’s all for now, have a productive week ahead!