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Hacktogether in San Francisco

open source

Weekly updates 1.26

> This Friday, January 27th, we meet at the Orange DAO Node 0 for a Hacktogether. Let’s build some cool stuff! If you can’t come this time, join us next Friday.

Here are the details.

> Last week we announced a decentralized RPG that doesn’t impose copyright taxes on community-created content. It’s called the Great Wyrm. It is still a work in progress and we will update you on all of the changes.

Great Wyrm Changelog so far.

One of the most notable changes: the design document for Great Wyrm Characters. It’s an interesting read if you’re a developer or are into blockchain technology. The doc also explains that the owner of a character will have complete authority on setting character stats and avatar.

> Yhtyyar did a great code review of the Inventory contract that we released together with Game7. He found a few issues and made some suggestions:

    Thank you, Yhtyyar!

> The next game that we will be working with is World Eternal Online. They are an MMO that integrates some elements of web3 and are still in early alpha.

If you would like to try out their game and give them feedback (the same way we did with Big Time), you can play the game using this link.

> Also a quick reminder – Moonstream will be at ETHDenver Feb 24 – Mar 5! Don’t miss out, Game7 will be there as well.

Have a great weekend everyone~ Stay healthy and safe and don’t forget to join our Discord to stay in the loop.