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Lists of projects building in web3 and community updates

Lists of projects building in web3 and community updates

Weekly updates 3.09

ETH Denver is officially over, and we are back on the usual track. Here are the weekly news:

> We’ve met quite a few interesting projects at the conference. You might want to check them out to see who’s now actively building in web3. We have two twitter threads with these projects, please follow the links – one, two.

> Besides meeting people, we opened the Great Wyrm game at ETH Denver. Here is a very short wrap-up of what happened in the Great Wyrm gaming world. If you are interested in details, Great Wyrm has a twitter account.

> Remember the NFT Inventory with Game7 we wrote about in our blog post? We are now working on turning it into EIP, the draft of the document is already underway.  

> Community Updates! We got our first server boost from a community member – and we really appreciate it. Thank you! Also, we are introducing server roles. If you are already our discord member, tell us who you are and get a role, just react to this message.

If you are not a member, it’s your sign to change it. You are invited.

> Welcome blog posts of the week! The first one explores the topic of sustainable gaming #NFTs. Why do we never call Great Wyrm an NFT project? Read here. And another one explains how to scale web3 gaming economies.

That’s all for now. Have a great weekend! If you want to talk about blockchain, gaming and technology, welcome to our Discord.