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NFT Inventory support, open working group updates and more

weekly updates

Weekly updates 08.24

It’s been quite an eventful week! Time for some updates:

> This week, we migrated Terminus protocol from <> to <>. Now, all our smart contracts are in a single repository (please give it a star!). Next week, we will start documenting this repository to make our smart contracts easier for the world to use. 

> The Great Wyrm team has been collaborating on a project with another fantastic web3 game, and we’ll have a big announcement for you next week. In preparation, we’ve spent the week alpha testing our new game UI, and we can’t wait to share it with you.

> zomglings was part of The Autonomous World Space on X this week. The space was hosted by JK and proofofjake. With us as guests were vera from Lattice and Small Brain, who built It was a very enjoyable and collaborative space. There was a lot of discussion about how to make web3 games extensible. You can read our notes from before and after the space in this document or you can listen to the recording.

> The Inventory Working Group now has a dedicated Charmverse space. You can join using this link: At Game7’s suggestion, we have collectively adopted the brand of “Loot Ledger” under which to carry this work forward.

> More news from Loot Ledger. This week, Zane from made an important improvement to the Inventory contract (implementing _msgSender). Brendan from Blockchain Gaming presented the Inventory UI he built for the Crypto-Guilds Metagame. The Game7 design team proposed some logos for Loot Ledger. Almost everyone liked robots more than boots. Don’t forget you can join the group, too.

> We added inventory support to the Garden of Forking Paths, our on-chain “Choose your own adventure”-style game. Now we can deliver game rewards directly to the character NFT’s inventory. Adding inventory support also allows us to create more interesting gameplay by offering paths accessible only to characters with particular items in their inventories. This means that the choices players make early in the game, and the items their characters collect as a result, determine the actions available to those characters in later stages. We can even connect our storytelling from session to session by creating paths that require a token earned in a previous session!

> The Waggle API Server Extension is designed to offer a RESTfull API access to waggle functionalities. It builds over existing waggle features, enhancing operational efficiency and automating routine tasks. As usual, you can visit our GitHub for details <>.


That’s all for the week. Join our Discord to keep in touch!
