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Node balancer and QuickNode’s competition

Weekly updates

Weekly updates 06.01

First summer weekly updates are here:

> Today we want to tell you about the Moonstream node balancer. It is an application that enables you to fetch blockchain data from multiple blockchains in one place. With our service, any user, even with the basic plan, can make thousand request calls per day. 

It’s important that unlike other blockchain data-fetching services, all our applications (including leaderboards, terminus, and dropper, and even viewer access to our game sessions in Garden of Forking Path), do not require you to connect to MetaMask. You’ll only need MetaMask if you want to sign transactions with your personal account. 

With our node balancer, all available blockchain data is now provided for free – without using Infura or Alchemy links, and without requiring any MetaMask connections. Simply sign up on the Moonstream application and use our website to fetch blockchain data freely.

> Some news from Great Wyrm. We’re in stage seven of the Troll Battle. The troll has demonstrated three different combat modes: normal mode, shield mode, and berserker (double-attack) mode. Thanks to very strong rolls in the last round, the players have the troll down to less than half of its initial HP. As the game continues, we are debriefing the early stages and discussing how to automate the battles and add new features to the combat.

> Out of hundreds of applicants, Moonstream became one of the three winners of the QuickNode’s QuickPitch competition! You can check out our pitch here while the recording is still available (starts at 21:48). Alternatively, you can read about it in the blog post below.

> This week’s blog post is about the principles of a healthy web3 game economy and how to sustain that economy using Moonstream tools.

> Crypto-Guilds announced the launch of CG Meta Game. It’s a gamified reputation system for web3 players where they can earn NFTs for playing games, upgrade those NFTs the more active they are in the ecosystem, and more… And it runs on Moonstream’s technology! It goes live on June 19th. Read more about it here.

> This just in – we have the location of our booth at 3XP. Come meet us in the Game7 booth area: Hall B, Expo Floor, 1st aisle, to the right of the Esports Arena! We’ll be between the Game7 tables and the MetaMask table. Look for this banner:


That’s all for the week! Thanks for reading. Join us on Discord if you are interested in technology, blockchain and gaming –