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Our 100th Airdrop

It’s time for..

Weekly updates 10.13


>How many airdrops would a Moonstream Dropper drop? 

This Wednesday after another batch of Crypto Unicorns’ airdrops, we have officially hosted 100 airdrops on the Moonstream Dropper smart contract! Woohoo~

>We prepared a short survey for web3 gamers to better understand what kind of gaming tools we should focus on next. You can take the survey here (there’s a small surprise at the end of it).

We want to help advance web3 gaming community and you specifically, based on your replies.

>We’re updating our landing page this week. Moonstream will have a new look!

landing page sneak peek

>HacktoberFest update. There are some cool things coming up soon and so our dev team has too much on their plate right now. That’s why we decided to skip Hacktoberfest this year. That doesn’t mean that you’re not welcome to contribute to our repos if you want to (: 

> Is anybody going to the SF Blockchain Week? It takes place Oct 31-Nov 6. Let us know (: 

Posts and Podcasts

>Tune into Web3 Warriors Podcast Episode 36 with Krome and Zomglings on YouTube and on Spotify. In the episode they discuss the different kinds of web3 games that exist with the promise of creating value for all who are involved and the lessons that can be learned.

>Check out this Twitter thread on why QuickNode is better than Infura and certainly better than Alchemy.

That’s it! Thank you for reading. Don’t forget to join our Discord to be the first to get all the latest updates~