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Solface update, new leaderboards feature and more

Weekly updates 11.27

Hello everyone, time for some updates!

> We updated solface so that it can now generate SPDX header and Solidity pragma constraint in generated code. This means that code generated with solface compiles directly with any solidity build tool.

> New week – new games to the awesome list of web3 games. This week we have This Cursed Machine and Roll Your Own. A reminder: if you want your project listed or if you are looking for a new game to play, don’t hesitate to contribute to the list!

> In a new blog post we analyzed 13 fully on-chain games’ UI and player onboarding. List of FOCG we’ve reviewed:

> A new feature to the Moonstream leaderboards is live, it’s called ‘Leaderboard Versions’. It solves two major challenges for on-chain leaderboards: the need for reliable leaderboard snapshots and the ability to track changes in rankings and scores over time. Read more about the release here:

> Fullcount updates. We’ve added two NPC bots to the Fullcount pre-alpha: a batting coach and a pitching coach. Players play as batters against the batting coach and as pitchers against the pitching coach.  More bot rivals are in the works, each with its own patterns and strategy, so that players always have an opponent available. The bots will also be part of a future campaign mode in which players take on a series of increasingly difficult rival teams.

That’s all for today. Have a great week ahead! Join our Discord to discuss web3 and gaming.