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Testnet Support for Our API

Weekly updates 11.10

This week’s updates:

> Moonstream Query API now supports Polygon Mumbai testnet. For any developers who want to test their smart contracts before deploying it on the mainnet – you now can! 

Query API crawls blockchain state, smart contract events and function calls. It makes it possible to query and join this data using SQL. Full documentation available here.

> Moonstream is going to TechCrunch in Miami on Nov 17. It’s especially exciting because we are going to demo our public dashboards. Come meet us to see how to get access to actionable blockchain data for web3 games.

You will find us at the Startup Alley, TechCrunch booth #6 (look for the Moonstream logo sign).

Moonstream logo

> Last week we were at Game7’s GAM3R Forum. If you missed it but would like to know what we talked about, check out our presentation slides! See the lessons we learned after making and playing on-chain games.

> Data analytics in gaming and how it’s used for game balancing. A small case study of Slay the Spire with ideas that should be used in web3.

> After getting a lot of feedback on last week’s BeInCrypto article, I decided to reiterate some points that were lost behind our somewhat controversial statements in this Twitter thread.

That’s all folks! Don’t forget to join our Discord to stay in the loop~