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The Importance of Documentation

Weekly updates 09.22

Are you ready for this week’s updates? Because here they are:

> You’ve been asking for Moonstream documentation and we’ve been working on it. Draft of our documentation site is now live. Here’s the code that we used to generate it.

Please give us your feedback on the documentation site in our Discord (#moonstream-chat channel). It’s still in a work progress so for now we only require feedback on: readability, colors, and fonts.

> A big update for our on-chain Reputation System: first Gaming & Research XPs in Moonstream DAO and some other juicy details. Check out the full changelist for today here.

blockchain reputation system

> If you missed last week’s article about an AI trying to save a galaxy, here is a TL;DR version of Algorithmic Survival in the Metaverse.


BTW, if you’re interested in building bots to play web3 games yourself, you can. With Moonworm.

> This Wednesday, Sept. 21, we participated in Game7’s Twitter Space along with guys from Open Meta and some of the Gitcoin grantees. We discussed the Open Gaming Initiative for Gitcoin grants, the state of metaverse and the future of gaming. Check out the recording here.

> Hacktoberfest is coming up from October 1 – October 31. We will be participating. 

Hacktoberfest is an event for anyone who wants to contribute to open source projects and for open source projects that want to increase the amount of contributions to their repos. Will you guys take part in it?


> Big Time Ruby Passes – we have already given out 19. Only 6 remain. If you know anyone who would like to play, this is the time to get them on board! You’ll need to drop by our Discord server and follow these instructions to get a pass.

We’re also going to play Big Time this Friday. If you’d like to join you can do so here.

> Next week is vacation! The team is on vacation and will be back on October 3. There will be someone still working throughout the week so feel free to reach out to us anyways!

Community updates

> We got our first open source code contribution! Contributor is Venticello from Discord.

Big shout-outs to:

> f0rodo! Thank you for giving us feedback on the documentation draft~

> terrarekt! Thank you for your detailed feedback on the Big Time game demo~

We appreciate you guys! Your contributions will be rewarded once our blockchain Reputation System goes live after the team returns from vacation.

That’s all for now! Have a great rest of the week~