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Weekly community hangouts, awesome list of web3 games and more

weekly updates

Weekly updates 10.05

Hey everyone, it’s time for some weekly updates!

> As members of Blockchain Game Alliance, we are happy to support and share the BGA Industry survey. Share your opinion, hopes and expectations of the crypto industry as a blockchain gaming professional (of any role) in this survey from. It will be used to prepare a 2023 industry report and it will only take 10 mins of your time.

> Now we have regular community hangouts in our Discord. Next Community Hangout will be on Thursday 5 pm UTC, set a reminder here. Join us to meet interesting people, share your ideas and make new friends.

> We just published a blog post about sustainable ways to control a web3 game economy that are also consistent with your game universe. Read it and share with your friends. 

> Last week Moonbound went live – it is our collaboration with Champions Ascension. This week we gave away Elementals to those who earned them. We also rewarded one person who won our Zealy sprint. Thanks to all participants for joining the game! 

> We updated the official definition of the Inventory interface. View it on our GitHub.

> We’ve added two more games to our awesome list on GitHub: Mighty Action Heroes by Mighty Bear Games and Phantasma by Ghost Labs. Find more info on those games and links to play them here. We also welcome contributors!  

That’s all for today, if you found something interesting in this post, join our Discord.