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Weekly community hangouts, awesome web3 games list and updated documentation

weekly updates

Weekly updates 10.12


> This week we compiled our documentation in one place. It still needs some work, but you can already access it here. This link leads to the Index page where you can find links to documentation for all of our tools. If you read any of these, please give us feedback. Is it clear enough? What can we improve? 

> Had a great community call today! Thanks to our community member for showing up! This week we discussed web3 games, Axie, Ethereum L2s, cross-chain NFT solutions, and open source tooling. You too can become closer with the community – next week, same time, same place <3    

> We keep on populating GitHub awesome web3 games list. Two new games this week are: Castle Of Blackwater and  STG Football. You can add other web3 games to the list on GitHub if you think we missed some interesting projects, or just find a project to keep an eye on.

That’s all for today, have a nice weekend everyone. And join our Discord to discuss blockchain, gaming and technology!