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Weekly updates 05.13

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What a hectic week for crypto!

With the markets crashing, Terra’s Luna and UST completely obliterated, FUD is everywhere. What does it mean for web3 gaming?

We’re thinking that good games that require skill and are actually fun to play are going to rise to the top. P2E games that people engage with just to make money are going to have a hard time. 

More on that in this twitter thread.

Crypto Unicorns

Open Sea has been having more and more issues with Crypto Unicorns. It has gone down during every one of the last three airdrops, and it has no understanding of when lands and unicorns are locked in the game. 

We have decided to do something about it and are working on a proposal for a custom, on-chain Crypto Unicorns marketplace. The proposal is live on the Crypto Unicorns forum. Let’s discuss!

Wouldn’t it be great if all of the transaction fees went back into the CU ecosystem?..

Moonstream updates

Blockchain support

Great news! We are adding the Gnosis Chain support soon. Nodes are already running and we’re adding to our API next week. 


We’ve launched a control center for game developers to launch on-chain mechanics. This week we’ve made a lot of improvements. Here’s a sneak peek:

Moonstream Claim
Moonstream Claimant

A portal for players at is going into early Apha. If you want to try it out with lootboxes on Polygon’s Mumbai testnet – let us know on Discord

Speaking of..


We revamped our Discord server a bit! There’s a #start-here channel to help you navigate AND a #project-faq channel to help you start using Moonstream.

Join our community and never miss an update!