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Weekly updates 06.03

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It’s time for some updates!


>We’ve been working on the Moonstream Engine at and made a bunch of API improvements. It is now much easier to use!

Terminus is the protocol we developed to represent badges, experience, items, and consumables for blockchain games. Terminus is actively used on mainnets by games such as Crypto Unicorns.

Until now, game developers had to create tokens on their Terminus contracts from the command line.

This week, we added a Terminus admin dashboard to Moonstream Engine, so that game developers can create tokens from the comfort of their browsers.


Terminus Engine

Next, we will integrate Lootboxes into the Moonstream Engine API.

If you want to know more about lootboxes, I’ve got just the thing for you..

> We have also officially started playing conquest.eth, created by @etherplay on Twitter.

For other conquest.eth players, we publicly released the dashboard that we use to plan our strategy:

All our code (as usual) is open source:

We welcome collaboration with other players in the conquest.eth community.

> Next week we’ll be announcing a new partnership with Crypto Guilds. But for you, our community members, we’re leaking this info a bit early.

Crypto Guilds will use Moonstream for badges and reputation tracking. Crypto Guilds matches blockchain gaming guilds with players. Players with high reputation will be eligible for greater rewards and privileges from guilds.

> We are once again partnering up with Gitcoin to support their Grants Round 14 as part of the Open Gaming Initiative. You can apply for the grant if your project aims to advance web3 gaming on the whole. 

To see if your project is eligible, check this twitter thread that we made on the topic.

To learn more about this, join our twitter spaces early next week (look out for announcements!).

Podcasts and conferences

>This week zomglings discussed opportunities and challenges of blockchain games with Olga V. Mack on her Blockchain Value podcast.

Learn more about play to earn, building gaming ecosystems, ownership, collaborative creation, and much more!

You can catch the recording of the episode here.

> It is decided, zomglings will be attending NFT.NYC conference this June. Stay tuned for interesting conversations and possible collaborations~

Crypto Unicorns

There was another airdrop done through Moonstream’s API:

Week 2 Pioneer Program Rewards

Some of the older Crypto Unicorns drops have expired. We are helping the Crypto Unicorns team to reflect this on the frontend. In the meantime, if Metamask tells you that your transaction will result in an error, it’s probably because that claim expired.

!Expired drops:

  •  Crypto Unicorns: Common lootbox (2 drops)
  •  Crypto Unicorns: Rare lootbox drop (2 drops)
  •  Crypto Unicorns: Mythic lootbox drop (2 drops)
  •  Rainbow Token (2 drops)
  •  UNIM Token (2 drops)
  •  Shadowcorn Act I Tier I Badge
  •  Shadowcorn Act I Tier II Badge
  •  Shadowcorn Act I Tier III Badge

Don’t forget to join our Discord! And have a lovely weekend everyone~