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Decentralized RPG Owned by Players

Weekly updates 1.19

This week’s updates:

> We’ve been talking a lot about decentralized gaming. Today it’s time for us to announce our secret project to the community.. 

I present to you Moonstream’s Great Wyrm, a decentralized fantasy roleplaying game that is being made in collaboration with Constellation Labs, Game7, and OP Games. A game that is owned and co-created by its players.

If you enjoy tabletop games like Dungeons and Dragons, Legend of the Five Rings, and others like them; if you’re a content creator, like to write game lore, create characters, stories, draw, paint, or want to become a Game Master – this is THE game for you. 

If you want to invest in NFTs and game tokens then I’m sorry, this is not what the game’s about.

Great Wyrm is not running yet. But we do have something for you – a Player Guide and lore for Act I of the game (links below). You are the first players to see this. If you’re interested – now’s your chance to become the first players to play this (: Just tell us about it in Discord.

We’d love to get your thoughts on the game idea as well.

>>> Player Guide

>>> Act I

> Moonstream Portal

Currently, we have two different portals: one for players, one for game designers/admins. We plan to redesign the portals and consolidate them into a single unified Moonstream Portal. Users will be able to easily access both players’ and game designers’ admin tools.

All current tools will be redesigned, some new tools will be added — all to provide the best user experience. Some player tools will be available even without wallet connection. Admin set of tools will be available for users with specific permissions: community managers, project owners, or game designers.

Right now we are working on the Crafting Recipes redesign. The new Crafting Recipes window will allow players to look through their items and crafting recipes. For game developers it will provide contract and recipes management tools.

We look forward to bringing new designs to life and getting your feedback to make it even better. Updates coming soon..

Crafting recipes design update

> We released NFT Inventory together with Game7.

In short, it’s technology that lets NFTs own things instead of wallets. Open source, as always, check out Game7 GitHub. Here is the smart contract for the inventory.

> Here’s a short Twitter thread about what NFT Inventory is.

> We’ve begun our migration from Brownie to Hardhat.

We have really enjoyed using Brownie but it is not as actively maintained as Hardhat and Foundry, and there are certain features we need as we scale up our operations that Brownie does not yet have that both Hardhat and Foundry already do have.

We will eventually support both Hardhat and Foundry, but we decided to start with Hardhat since it has more adoption in the community and ultimately these are tools that we are building for other developers. More updates to come!

Our tool, Moonworm, will also support javascript development (Hardhat).

> Lastly, this week’s blog post is about decentralized gaming, in case you wanted to get some background information as to why we’re launching Great Wyrm.

And that is all for now! Send us a message in Discord so that we know you’re interested in playing Great Wyrm~

Have a great weekend, everyone!