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Moonstream Entity API on PyPI


Weekly updates 12.15

Our updates this week are:

> We released Entity API client on PyPI.

Entity is used to store any web3 address (including smart contract addresses) along with identifying information/notes. You can now add this functionality to your project with Moonstream Entity Python Client and CLI.

Full Entity documentation can be found here.

> Updated Shadowcorns: Throwing Shade leaderboard

Throwing Shade Leaderboard

Shadowcorn NFTs leaderboard

Changes are as follows:

  • Added display of Shadowcorns owned by the connected wallet;
  • Improved leaderboard display in mobile view;
  • Removed request for wallet signature;
  • Minor cosmetic changes.

Thank you again to the Shadowcorn players for all your feedback! Check out the leaderboard here. 

> Published an article on how leaderboards affect game economies, with examples! Read it here.

>And another article on gaming NFTs and whether we need them at all.

Short TL;DR version can be found here. But I do recommend reading the full version and telling us your thoughts about this (:

That’s all for now! Thank you for tuning in and a great rest of the week~ And don’t forget to join our Discord to stay in the loop.