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New Moonstream Drops UI for Token Distribution

Moonstream Drops 2.0

We’re excited to announce the launch of a new Drops user interface: Drops 2.0.

Over the past year, Moonstream customers like Crypto Unicorns and Crypto-Guilds, have used Dropper contracts to distribute tokens to their player base more than 250,000 times. These distributions have involved tens of millions of tokens, amounting to millions of dollars in value distributed.

They have managed their Dropper contracts largely from the command-line, and have often required help from the Moonstream team.

This week, we launched the new Moonstream Drops UI as part of our ongoing Moonstream 2.0 release. We’re working towards making Moonstream a self-serve product. 

This new UI provides an in-browser interface through which our customers can manage all their token distributions. This works great for gaming items, player rewards, randomized lootboxes, badges, or for token mints. 

Screenshot of new Drops UI

New Drops UI

You create a claiming process for token distribution with Drops by uploading spreadsheets of players eligible to get those tokens. You’ll also need to create a front-end for people to come and claim their items – it can be a webpage. And that’s it. 

You can choose to pay for players submitting their claims or put transaction fees/gas fees on the players. Due to the sheer amount of item drops games usually make, this process is much smoother and safer than a regular airdrop. 

For now, Dropper contracts must be deployed from the command line. However, we will make it possible to deploy Dropper contracts from our web app later this year.

If you are looking for an alternative to airdrops, you can start using Drops right now by contacting us on Discord to onboard your project.